Creatures of Appetite by Todd Travis
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
An extremely brilliant, yet arrogant, crazy ex-profiler join hands with a reputed woman with some disturbing past to take on a serial killer. This is what the book is, to be precise.
This book is for people who love thriller, who are ok with blood here and there, who are not offended by abusive words. If you don't like any of the above, then just don't read it.
Jacob is crazy, but intelligent. Arrogant, egoistic but always right. He has his flaws, his secrets, but I really liked him. A mentally attractive male character.
Emma is bold, intelligent, charming. Beauty with brain.
Two Federal officers, with different history and personality, goes on hunting of a child serial killer. When the killer and Feds enter into game, things become too interesting :)
From beginning of the book, it is full of surprises. And it didn't end even at the end.
Though the end hinted that there might be a sequel, I don't know why the author didn't decide to write one! I am sure that too would have been a good read. For me Heartland child murder is not enough. I want Mercy killing too :P
After 1st chapter, I made a mistake of not touching this book. I didn't mean to. I just didn't get a chance.
But once I started, couldn't keep it down without completing.
Edge of the seat thriller..
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A Half Baked Love Story by Anurag Garg
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Life goes ON. This is what the book is all about. Philosophy spun around tale of romance (It don't get philosophical till epilogue :) so don't worry romance story lovers).
Story began with a spoiled brat, who is our protagonist. Things he do irritate a lot that I just wish he was not real. I was even surprised why author have decided to have such a freak as protagonist.
Real story began when he explains the reason for his nature. From then there is no hate towards him from my side.
Love at school. Between two people of different background (food, state, culture, caste, etc etc). The ways in which the romance/love between them are described, are great!
After a long time, read a love story which actually didn't had much sexual content. Felt happy to see that there are still young Indian authors who can express love as love and love only, without getting physical. It is really tough to write a love story like this since sex is considered part of romance genre. Not that I am against such stories, just that I am surprised to see this type still alive :)
Just beautiful cute love, with no sexual incidents. Hats off!!!
It is not necessary that you should always be with her/him if you are in love. It's just loving them wherever they are, however they are and doing whatever is good for them. Described well in this book!
Pain will change people. Agreed. But that doesn't mean you have to become a jerk. You can and have to reshape yourself for the people around you, for the people who care for you. This is the message that the author missed to tell. Would have been more happy if he did that too!
As the wise say, as the author tried to say, whatever happens life goes on :)
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The Assassin Lotus by David Angsten
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
A thriller embedded with western (Asian) philosophies.
The story starts in Rome and soon moves to Asia.
This is a self-narrating style novel but narration is did by two (two persons self narrate story from their end). Includes some very old religions and cults.
Beginning of the story made me frown. Why does that it has to be Islam when it comes to terrorism?!
Then when the story moves on, I moved on. It was the same mistake people are doing in reality. A group of *** people from specific religion create chaos using religion as their shield. Just a bunch of idiots who misunderstood religion.
Best part about the novel is the embedded philosophy/religious statements. Islam, Buddhism and Hindu philosophies. Though Islam philosophies are used in wrong situations, it is good to read them. After all it's our mind which makes a statement meaningful!
Though the citations mentioned in novel are true (for which I must appreciate the author, David, for his hard-work), I seriously doubt whether it is possible in reality. All the border crossing, killing, etc etc.
But, this is a fiction novel and I shouldn't stress up much on it's reality.
The author mentioned that this is mixture of western philosophies and blood spilled thriller, and he was not sure whether people who like one genre will like the other.
I don't think who should doubt it. It is a perfect mixture of both and being a fan of both, I liked it.
A good read indeed.
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