Thursday, 26 January 2017

Blood in PETA

Before starting anything, I would like to clarify that I love animals and I oppose cruelty against animals strongly. Below is my stand against a single organization based on facts, which are also mentioned below.

If you are in India, you would have surely heard about PETA by now.
PETA was all over the news for multiple sensational news related to Jallikattu (Tamilnadu), Rekla race (Tamilnadu/Kerala), Kambala race (Karnataka) and Bailgada (Maharashtra). These are not the only reasons PETA hit the news in India. They were consistently fighting for so-called cruelty against animals.
But.. Are they really against cruelty of animals??

PETA is very well known to kill animals. Yes, you read it right.
According to multiple sources PETA has killed more than 34,000 animals from 1998 to 2016 in just one state of USA.
Let's get down to some real numbers.

The Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (VDACS), as part of monitoring animal shelters, monitor the details of all animals taken in by the animal shelters there and what is the fate of them afterwards.
Below the numbers published by them (VDACS) regarding PETA :

Transferred - Transferred to other Virginia releasing agencies like animal shelters and animal control.
Adopted - Adopted by somebody. 
Killed - Killed in the facility accidentally, or during transfer, or euthanized. 

If you see the kill number and kill percentage in the above chart, it is alarmingly high.
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) is actually behaving like People for the Euthanasial Treatment of Animals!
When questioned about the kill rate, PETA always kept mum. Recently, last year, they opened up to media saying that they didn't find enough recipient for all the animals they received.

It is not so easy to believe the above statement. In a city of 8,382,993 (according to 2015 survey), they couldn't find 2000-3000 (approx) people to adopt animals ?!
Come on PETA. Come up with some better lie next time!!

According to some PETA employees, PETA's employees are made to watch videos in which animals are abused to great extent, in order to make them believe that people are incapable of caring animals, and 'PETA is doing what was best for animals'. This is clear brain wash and completely idiotic belief!

According to a state inspector in Virginia, PETA facility where animals are imbounded, was designed to house animals for no more than 24 hours. So any animal they caught, or as PETA says, any animal they receive, should be transferred from their custody within 24 hours.
Any sane human can understand that finding a recipient in 24 hours is not possible. So how can PETA expect that to happen?

When Poorva Joshipura, CEO of PETA India said that they don't have enough funds to carry out operations (Read her full interview here), I was wondering whether that is the same reason why they designed their animal shelter house with such low facility, leading to crowded cages, diseases and euthanasia.
But stats say otherwise!
 Below is the fund information of PETA :

It is clearly visible that they are not in shortage of money. So it led me believe that they have low facilitated shelter house because they don't believe in animals right to live.
I was not surprised when I came across the below postcard from Ingrid Newkirk, co-founder and head of PETA.

PETA is an Animal rights organization which don't believe that animals have the right to live?!
An organization which is against it's own purpose is having so much popularity! It hurts deep down!!

If the above animal adoption/kill statistics for one state itself is this cruel.. How will their whole world statistics will look like?!
Nobody knows !!!

As said by Nathan J Winograd, director of 'No kill advocacy center' and author of 'Friendly Fire' - book on animal ill treatment, and I quote, "You either love animals or you love PETA, but you can't love both because the two are mutually exclusive".

When I decided to write this article, I was having an idea of proposing a regulation which will strictly monitor PETA's animal intake and their fate, in India.
But when I dug further and deeper, I feel like.. there is no purpose for organizations of this type to be functioning at all.
This organization is full of animal blood and it should be washed off!

Sources of Information :

Wednesday, 18 January 2017

Review: Arranging love, contemporary way!

Arranging love, contemporary way! Arranging love, contemporary way! by Poornima Dhiman
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Best way to begin this year..
This is 1st book I started this year (1st completed book was from last year :P ), and I wish the whole book year be the same!

The story is about a girl. Facts which make the story is, that girl is - 30, independent, strong-willed, cheated in her 3 year old relationship, Indian.
Though I use the word story, when I read the book.. I felt like I am reading the journal of a girl.
Honest. Straight-forward. Lethal.

It's not easy to be a girl in India. Yes, I am a patriotic Indian. No questions on that .. I am just stating the fact, which is so true.
This society is still digging lot of pits for woman.
She can't make her life decisions on her own. She can't decide her marriage age. She can't be the breadwinner of a family. She can't do so many things.
Author Poornima just hit all the can'ts with valid whys...!

I strongly believe that most of the incidents in this story is inspired by Author's or her immediate circle's experience.
You just can't get all the facts right on without experience!
Relationship.. Break-up.. Betrayal.. Getting over it.. Unable to find any right person.. Situations faced by single.. All are right on target!

Too many negative male characters in the novel. Too bad that Ananya didn't meet any guy who is not negative!!!
But .. That's the concept of this story :) A girl who couldn't find any guy whom she like ..

Hard to believe it is a debut novel. A good, decent work from author.
Expecting more from her ...

Any woman, who have her own dream, should read this book.
Definitely an inspiration. Especially the 'Note to self' in the end.

View all my reviews

Saturday, 14 January 2017

Review: Love Stories That Touched My Heart

Love Stories That Touched My Heart Love Stories That Touched My Heart by Ravinder Singh
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The best short stories collection I have read till date !

If the stories are from same author, there will be some similarities among them.. At some point, there will be thought of monotony..
But, since this one is a compilation from different authors, there is lot of variety to enjoy ... !
Though all stories are based on love, they displayed variety in love..

There are few stories which are not up to the mark.. But there are many that will touch our heart <3

View all my reviews